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THE CIRCUS and its slightly odd contestants are back in town. Yep, it’s Big Brother and as it’s the last in the series, it’s the last time voyeuristic inquisitiveness will be fed.
The show is a catalyst for five minutes of fame for attention seeking contestants who haven’t been to drama school or had a ‘showbiz’ upbringing. So for them, this is their only hope for recognition. It was once a show that analysed human behaviour; it’s now a show where contestants desire to gain fame and will stab each other in the back to achieve it.
A deeper layer to Big Brother is its reflection of animal farm. At the start of the show they are all equal to each other with a fair chance of being crowned the winner. As time passes, the stronger contestants start to outweigh the weaker ones as they become the group leaders. Some become more equal than others from how the public view them; their behaviour starts to change as they realise their popularity. Big Brother is Mr. Jones, owner of the farm/house and the contestants are the animals, trying to rebel. So to sum it up, summer 2010 on our screens will be watching hopeful wannabes behave in animal-like manner by squabbling (over crisps) and turning against each other…until the winner is voted and the magazine deals come rolling in.
This Animal Farm notion is all around us. For instance, there will ALWAYS be someone at work who is more of an equal colleague than you. It’s those types of people who are chummy with management, can take longer lunch breaks, refuse to do some of the tasks & can get away with sitting on their a** doing very little. Oh, & guess what, they have a fatter pay packet than you….
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